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Taking Your Cello Performance to The Next Level with the TekPin™
The TekPin™ is a revolutionary new vertical angle cello endpin that eliminates tension in your posture, giving you unprecedented freedom and ease of playing so you can perform at your very best.
If you have ever felt uncomfortable while performing, or had your endpin slip suddenly or are looking for ways to unleash your cello performance potential, read on! Because what you are about to learn could positively transform your cello playing to be more powerful, without limits and the way you always dreamed it could be.

Invented by a cellist for cellists, the TekPin™ is unlike any other cello endpin.

“The TekPin has been an absolute game-changer for my playing! It has relieved so much pressure from my lower back—pressure I didn’t even realize was there when I played with a straight endpin. The TekPin gives me great freedom of motion and physical comfort; I’ve noticed my shifting is more effortless, my intonation is more fluent, and my musical expression is broader. It makes the cello feel both light as a feather and incredibly balanced. And it never slips!”
Zlatomir Fung, concert cellist and gold medal winner of the XVI International Tchaikovsky Competition
It’s vertical position gives you many advantages including less pressure of the cello on your body, the ability to add more natural weight with your arms and incredibly easy access to the upper positions.
With the TekPin™ your back is free and the cello is lighter and more stable.
And because of its vertical angle and extremely sharp point, it is impossible to make it slip on a wood surface like a concert stage.
Are you….
An experienced cellist with years of performing experience looking for that cutting edge to bring further mastery, relaxation and refinement to your playing…
Or you are a professor or educator looking to find the latest technology that improves cello performance…
Or you are a dedicated student wanting to perform with ease of movement, power and expression…
Or maybe you are tired of your back aching and your endpin slipping….
….The TekPin™ is for you!

I am a professional guitarist, college professor and amateur cellist. Using Emmanuel Feldmann’s TekPin has made a tremendous difference in many aspects of my cello playing. My sound and my bow control have greatly improved. In addition, my physical relationship with the instrument is much more relaxed. I have had a history of back problems from playing the instrument that are now non-existent.
As a music educator, I regard the positive results of using the TekPin a great asset to all who want to learn and continue playing the cello throughout their lives.
Larry Baione, Chair Emeritus, Guitar Department, Berklee College of Music

The TekPin™ Advantages:
Unprecedented comfort, support and stability while performing
Keeps your back flexible and relaxed preventing fatigue and straining
Effortless shifting to high positions from freedom in your upper body and core muscles
Allows you to move in all directions 360 degrees giving you more power of expression
The cello becomes lighter relieving pressure on your upper body
The cello can be angled without it pushing back on you allowing more natural weight in your shoulders and arms
The vertical angle endpin allows you to get closer to your stand/Ipad or share a stand with a colleague
The sharp vertical angle endpin tip is impossible to slip on a wood surface like a concert stage
The design puts less stress on the endpin rod allowing it to vibrate freely, giving your sound more clarity and resonance.
The endpin is simple to use and easy to install with very few moving parts made from the highest quality materials
Artistic handcrafted design is beautiful with varnished exotic hardwood, stainless steel and titanium